An Introduction To Functional Fitness

What is functional fitness?
Functional fitness is a type of exercise that supports your everyday life. It includes movements that will make life easier, such as pushing, pulling, bending, squatting, lunging, and carrying. By strengthening the muscles in the same way you would need to use them for certain tasks, it reduces your risk of injury and increases your quality of life for now and as you get older.
As well as improving your life, it will also reduce the risk of sarcopenia and osteoporosis. These are muscle and bone related diseases that would make life extremely difficult.
Who would benefit from functional fitness and which goals would it help?
Because functional fitness incorporates muscle groups across the whole body it is beneficial to nearly any type of person no matter what their fitness goal is. I
t builds lean muscle and helps you lose weight if that’s your intention, and athletes right up to the professional level will use this type of training because it brings a well-rounded aspect to their often highly targeted training regimes.
Aim of the programme
The aim of the programme is to give the user an introduction to functional fitness and to give them a path to improving their overall fitness and lifestyle. The programme is progressive, meaning it gets harder as the weeks go on. It is a tried and tested method that will improve the user’s strength and cardiovascular fitness.
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